Parafia Rzymskokatolicka św. Jerzego, 81-704 Sopot, ul. Kościuszki 1

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English version

Mass & Service Schedule

Holy Masses on Sundays:
7.30 a.m., 9.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 12.30 a.m.,
6.00 p.m., 7.30 p.m.

Holy Masses on weekdays:
7.30 a.m., 6.00 p.m.

Novena to Our Lady of Częstochowa:
Wednesdays 5.30 p.m.

Devotion to the Divine Mercy:
Fridays 5.30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation during every Holy Mass.

Parish office hours:

   •  Mondays 9.00 - 10.00 a.m.
   •  Fridays 7.00 - 8.00 p.m.

On national and church holidays the parish office is closed.

The parish office is placed in the presbytery
(entrance from Kościuszki Street).
Parish office

History of the church

The local church was constructed in 1899-1901 by the Sopot community of the Evangelic Augsburg Church and with the financial aid from Empress Augusta Victoria and Emperor Wilhelm II. The imperial couple was greatly interested in the construction and the emperor himself even introduced changes in the tower height while it was being erected. The temple was located in Sopot on the so-called Sea Mountain (Seeberg) and built at the expense of 125,000 old marks. Architect Louis von Tiedemann of Potsdam designed it. The one-nave and one-tower church in the Southern-German neo-gothic style was made from red brick and its facade from stone. The basic height of the nave is 15.5m and the building's body up to the roof is 24.5m high. The entire tower from its base to the top is 45m.

On 17 September 1901 the temple was consecrated in the presence of Empress Augusta Victoria, and according to her wish, it was named The Savior's Church. The temple had served worshippers of the Evangelic denomination until the end of World War II when on 8 May 1945 it was amicably assigned to the military priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church to serve as a garrison and school church. In the same year it was consecrated to St. George and later on, on 24 September 1959, it received a second title - God's Mother of Częstochowa - owing to the efforts of the former rector, lieutenant-colonel Wiktor Kłosowicz.

The only remaining pieces of the original equipment are chandeliers, benches and a 23-tone pneumatic organ from Terletzki & Wittek Co. of Elbląg.

In 1970, while adopting the church to the liturgy requirements of the Second Vatican Council, the presbytery decor was altered: the wooden main altar was removed and replaced by a marble altar complying with the Vatican Council and a small pulpit with a copper figure of St. George (metalwork). It was then that the present tabernacle was mounted on the main wall. Zofia Baudouin de Courtenay of Częstochowa, depicting the multiplication of the loaves miracle and a multitude of Polish saints and blessed, adorns the presbytery walls with two frescos from 1953-1956. The presbytery also holds a copy of the crucifix from St. Damian's church in Assisi and figures of four angels adoring the Holy Sacrament, borrowed from Italian medieval painting by a Sopot artist, E. Bujnicki.

The side altars were given a relief of the God's Mother of Częstochowa from the chapel of a historic ship M/S Batory in 1971 and in 1972 and a wooden figure of Jesus' Heart sculptured by W. Jędrzejczyk of Rybnik and designed by W. Ostrzałek of Katowice (nowadays the painting of Jesus by J. Antosz brought from Kraków-Łagiewniki is situated here).

Under the choir there are four altars, two of which date from 1957: St. Barbara's and St. Tadeusz Juda and were made by Prof. B. Hofman of Wrocław, while the other two, St. Joseph's and st. Anthony's, date from 1962 and were made by a sculptor from Sopot, B. Szawan.

In 1973-1976 the church gained its stained glass designed by W. Ostrzałek of Katowice and made by Renowacja, a company from Kraków. The stained glass in the side walls represents: St. Wojciech, St. Jacek Odrowąż, St. Maksymilian Maria Kolbe, St. Kazimierz - the Prince, St. Stanisław Kostka, the Blessed Czesława - a Norbertine Order nun.

By virtue of decree of the Department of Culture and Art in Gdańsk, this church and the adjoining St. Wojciech's chapel were entered in the register of monuments in the Gdańsk province on 12 August 1976.

The church encompasses two parish structures: the Field Ordinariate of the Polish Army since 1991 and the Gdańsk Archdiocese (territorial) since 1947. The patron saint of both communities is St. George.

Prepared by: priest commander-lieutenant Zbigniew Rećko


Erection act from 1901

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A book about the church from 1901

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History of the sculpture of Our Lady

The sculpture of Our Lady of Częstochowa standing in the side altar of our church traveled seas and oceans of the world on board the glorious M/S Batory for 33 years. The ship was built in an Italian shipyard Monfalcone in Trieste. It was 160.3m (526ft) long, was able to reach the speed of 18 knots, offered 3 classes of accommodation to 796 passengers and had 350 crewmembers. M/S Batory's flag was ceremonially blessed by Stanisław Wojciech Okuniewski, Maritime Bishop from Pelplin, in Gdynia on 17 May 1936. The chapel situated in Great Lounge was made by Wojciech Jastrzębowski. Another artist, Antoni Kenar, made the wooden sculpture of Madonna.

Before World War II M/S Batory went on 25 voyages to New York, carrying aboard Polish and foreign passengers. It also took tourists to Copenhagen, Helsinki, Tallinn and Riga, Norwegian fiords and Bermudas. On 24 August 1939 the boat left Gdynia and on 4 September 1939 she called at New York. It was then that her war history and at the same time one of the most beautiful periods of her life started. The boat became famous for its participation in many World War II operations (it took aboard 2300 soldiers), such as evacuation of French-Polish-British troops from Narvik (1940), evacuation of the allied troops from St. Nazaire and St. Jean de Luz (1940), the landing of the allies in Algiers and Sicily (1942), 6-month-long transport service on the Egypt-Italy route (1943) and invasion of Southern France (1944).

In July 1940 during its voyage from Scotland to Canada, Batory transported to a safe deposit in Ottawa Polish national treasures from Wawel (including 136 16-century arrases), the Gutenberg Bible from Pelplin and many other magnificent works of art, as well as a load of gold worth hundreds of millions of dollars from the Bank of England to the war deposit at the Bank of Canada. The boat also transported 480 children aged 4-15 from the British Islands to Australia (autumn 1940) and Polish children and refugees from Iran to India. In January 1944 Batory transported Yugoslavian refugees and children to Egypt and in May 1944 Jewish refugees from Italy to Alexandria.

However, Our Lady of Częstochowa, the Mother of Seas and Oceans, was always with the boat symbolically present in Her carving. She helped the boat escape even the most terrible dangers and rescued it from grave perils. No wonder people talked about Batory with greatest admiration and called it Lucky Ship. On 30 September 1947 Batory called at its mother port in Gdynia after 7 years, 7 months and 6 days of war exile. It again started to sail regular routes to New York, Canada and other ports of the world. On 11 March 1971 it was decided that Batory would be sold to Hong Kong and in May the boat under the command of her last Master, Krzysztof Meissner, left Gdynia for its last voyage to ship-breaker's yard Junk Bay.

During its 34 years of service under Polish flag, M/S Batory went on 222 voyages (initially servicing New York route, then India route and finally Montreal route) for over 220,000 passengers. The ship also serviced 75 cruises for the total of 30,000 passengers. During the war, as a military transport ship, it transported approximately 120,000 soldiers. M/S Batory visited more than 150 ports on all continents. The miraculous Madonna in Her sculpture found Her home and shelter in our garrison church in Sopot. She is still close to the Polish sea and those who sail it. She is here to bless Polish sailors and you, dear traveler, who may stop for a moment by Her altar.

Prepared by: priest commander-lieutenant Zbigniew Rećko

Parafia Rzymskokatolicka
św. Jerzego w Sopocie
ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 1
81-704 Sopot
tel/fax: 058 551 05 48
email: sjerzys[małpa]

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